Simon Coxhell | Technical Director
Simon Coxhell is a geologist with 34 years of diverse experience encompassing all aspects of the resource sector including exploration, resource development, metallurgical considerations and mining.
Over the last 20 years he has had significant corporate experience on ASX listed boards in senior executive appointments and between 2016-2018 led Echo Resources (EAR) as Managing Director/CEO, elevating and growing the company from an 8 million dollar market capitilisation exploration focused company to an emerging gold producer with a maximum market capitilisation of 182 million dollars, centred on the re-establishment of the Bronzewing Gold Mine.
Over a 3 year period developed the gold resource base of Echo from 100,000 resource ounces to a total resource base of 1.7 million ounces of gold, and a maiden reserve of 800,000 ounces, for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 development option, in August 2018. Northern Star purchased a 19% holding on market in late 2018 to become the largest shareholder and in August 2019 launched a succesful takeover of Echo with an implied value of 244 million dollars.
Aida Tabakovic | Company Secretary
Miss Tabakovic has over 11 years’ experience in the accounting profession. She holds a double degree in Accounting and Finance and a Postgraduate Degree in Business Law. Miss Tabakovic provides services to a number of ASX listed and unlisted companies, specialising in financial accounting and corporate compliance. Miss Tabakovic has also been involved in listing a number of junior exploration companies on the ASX .